Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tobacco tax increase comments

OK.  I know I'm not going to get honesty here, (if I get anything at all, other than an investigation) but I'll ask the question anyway:

What's the real reason for this increase?

According to your "Industry Circular" ( for "Roll-Your-Own Tobacco2" (which is what I smoke) the tax has gone from $1.0969 per pound to $24.78 per pound.  As you state that is a $23.6831 per pound increase. 
I ask again: What is the real reason for a 2,259.09 percent increase in these taxes?

I see that the increase for pipe tobacco went from the same $1.0969 per pound as my Roll-Your-Own, to $2.8311 per pound, a mere 258.1 percent increase.  I guess you consider pipe smokers to be of a higher class than us Roll-Your-Own smokers.  Something is not right in what's going on here.

I do not believe this has anything to do with the Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (the "Act," Pub. L. 111-3).  That is merely the vehicle you decided to use for your other actual reasons.  I do not believe this has anything to do with children's health.  I believe something else is going on and I am sure it has much more to do with you stealing my money.  It is plain and simple theft.

This is just another large pile of manure I am seeing more and more from "my" government.  However, in this particular case, it is a 2,259.09 percent increase in the amount of manure I am use to and thus is the reason for this "comment" on this latest attack on the ever more tax paying citizens of this country.

Written by me:
Kevin Reynolds
Hayward, CA
April 14, 2009

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