Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Religion

Ask Wikipedia: What is religion?

Ask Wikipedia: What is philosophy?

Look up in my pagan books on how to write a prayer, though they don't call it that. Ritual or spell or some such. What are the elements involved? What bases need to be covered? How do you focus your energies? That history of rome DVD course talked about proper prayers or what ever they called it. It's a focusing agent, and if done right, it covers the bases. It will help focus your energies. It's not anyone else I am asking to do anything, it is a focusing of my own energies.

I think, in a pagan way, it is about energies, however: I know of some events in my life which seem to be effected by non-coporeal entities. Let me name some.

1. Odd communication. Early in our relationship, Jacqueline and I were asleep in our bed in Berkeley. She was going over in her head what she was going to do that day. She was going over this in her self. We were still both of us, asleep. It bothered me so much that I woke and turned to her and asked her, in a frustrated manner, "Well? What are you going to do today?" That woke her up and she asked me why I asked her that. Now, that doesn't say anyone else was involved, but it does indicate some "extra" communication.

2. My leather jacket. In 1988 I was going to go around the world. I had ordered this leather jacket for the trip. It was getting close to my leaving on that trip and I had not gotten my jacket yet. I mean it was close to my leaving. Jacqueline and I decided to go to lunch and somehow the conversation turned to my jacket and at one point in my almost ranting about the situation I was focusing in on it all and just as a UPS truck came to stop at a neighboring business I finished my sentence with "and it's on that truck right there". At that point I got up from my seat, walked out of the restaraunt, walked over to that UPS truck and asked the driver if he had tried to make any deliveries to the street I lived on, and he asked: "2210 McKinley Street?" I said yes and he gave me my jacket. How do you explain that?

3. That cop and that last speeding ticket I got. As I was coming home one day, here in Hayward, I felt this vibe as I turned onto this street that had a school on it, and I saw a law enforcement officer nearby. I did what I had always done and that cop pulled me over and gave me a ticket. I had been warned.

These are only three of the many incidents that have happened to both jacqueline and I in our relationship. So many time have things like this happened that Jacqueline and I call it the cosmic boot.

So, while I think of my religion as learning to use energies, I can not ignore "other" energies/entities which are appearently involved in our lives.

But my religion can I think for all practible purposes only involve my working with the energies I experience on a daily basis, I now think. I may learn more.

I think the Gods help those who help themselves. I think a sensitivity to energies within and without me are maybe, about all I can deal with. And I know that in my life I have not listened to many warnings that have come my way. That is one thing I hope my religion will change.

I see alot that focus and action determine life. I see that I have specificly dulled my senses due to people's reactions to my actions. I think I see that must change. I hope my religion will change that situation.

So what is my religion? Here's an attempt to answer that question.

You know the serenity prayer? God grant me the strength to change the things I can, the patience to put up with the things I can't change and the wisdom to know the difference between the two, or something like that? Do you know that one? Well, my religion is something like that except, and I think it is a big exception, and that is that I will not be asking anyone else to grant me anything, I will be focusing on doing it myself. Focus on the energies about me. "About" means internal and external energies. Percieve, listen, see, what's going on around me and what I am feeling and hearing within me and guide myself. I know the Gods are there, I am just not going to rely on them to save me. Of course I will gladly be thankful for there help after I realize it has happend, and I will allow for the possiblility that it MAY happen, but I won't count on it. I will do the best I can to take care of all in which I am involved. How about something more like: Kevin, do what you can, know what you can't do. Maybe that's it right there, in basic concept that is. Yet still I think that there is always something I can do. It is afterall, the enterprising mind that prevails, or at least so I think. The thought is: I can always come up with something. Like Peter Lee said: "Even if you get knocked down you can always at least come up with a fist full of dirt."

My religion/philosophy will (hopefully) guide me through it all.

Care has a lot to do with it, I think. And stop being so egotistical! And stop being so angry. Stop smoking and stop drinking for the sake of relaxation.

Ritual has it's use. Not as a gift to the gods, but as a focusing agent. Before I do a thing, spend a moment to focus my energies on what I am about to do.

Ok. Let's see. The makup of an energy focusing incantation. An example. Let's say that I just came home from work and I want to focus my energies toward home life. That will include shedding any left over work vibes and reorienting on home, including Jacqueline, the kitties, the physical house, jobs to be done, maintainence, and the like. Let's see what we can do.

As I get to the front porch I stop there, put down anything I may be carying. Let's take three deep breaths and shake off left over work vibes. We'll shake out our hands, throw off those energies, touch the ground to let the energy "ground" itself, return to blank emptyness, we need to be in a state of reception and perception. Say these words: "No matter what kind of day I have had, that part of it is over now. Leave that in the past. I touch the ground to let the vibes of the work day dissapate into Mother Earth. Thank you Mother Earth, thank you for taking my left-over energy from me, allowing me to cleans myself before returning to this home I so love."

Pause. Maybe a few more deep breaths to re-adjust.

Now, focus on the house. Think of Jacqueline, the kitties, the love and appreciation I feel for all that is within. Try these words: "I am now fortunate enough to be able to join all the goodness which is within and about this domicile. I remember the love, the life, the promise that is this collection of energies and I am greatfull for being part of it. It is my pleasure and honor to join in these good vibes that are happening here, this place of our making and this place of good fortune, I am envigorated by the opportunity and thankfull for the opportunity. I also bless this house."

Pause for re-adjustment and enter.

Remember where you are, why you are there, and what you intend to do. Stay on track. Focus.

It's like: Who, What, When, Where, How, Why.
Who: Me always and anyone who may be with me.
What: What are we doing?
When: Now is the usual state.
Where: Here, or where we are going.
How: How are we going to do it?
Why: Why are we doing it?

Other focuses I want to write:
Good Morning! Good Night.
Meeting a new person. Interview for a new job.
Buying a car.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why I am Pro Gun

I have two main reasons for being pro gun.

1. The second amendment gives me the right: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I know the argument but, for whatever reason, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

2. I am responsible for my self. I shall not rely on anyone else to protect me. That would be giving my freedom away and would be impossible anyway. Unless or until the state can post a police officer to each and every citizen in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days, 365.4, it is up to us to protect and defend ourselves. Period.

Did you know that guns don't kill people? A gun never "wakes up" and decides to go shoot someone or something. People kill people, there's no getting around it.

Did you know that a "gun free" zone is a target for criminals? If you were a criminal, which would you rather go after, someone with a gun or someone without a gun? This isn't rocket science.

Why I Switched From Hillary To Obama

I was watching a series of DVD's on ancient Rome and felt this chill go up my back.

Now, I had been with Hillary due to the experience issue. I thought that having Bill in her camp was a good thing and that the two of them would be a great power in the white house.

When Rome only had power over the Italian peninsula (early on) it's politics were polite. Everything was centered around precedence and tradition. When Rome started moving off the peninsula and into world domination, their politics changed. It was just another city-state like so many others after all and really didn't know how to deal with an empire of that size.

As the empire grew, the politics got dirtier and dirtier. People started murdering their political opponents and would do anything to obtain and retain power. It was one aspect to the decline.

When the U.S.A. found itself to be the only super power after the fall of the U.S.S.R. there was this feeling of our being the new Rome.

This is not a good thing.

When governor bush stole the Presidency from Al Gore, the new Rome showed itself to be re-emerging. This is not a good thing.

I consider myself to be a good Democrat (even if I do strongly support the second amendment (but that's another issue)) and had thought that Billary would be a good combination in the White House.

Being somewhat peeved over that stolen election I was rallying for a little pay-back. And then it hit me. This bush dynasty/Clinton dynasty, republicans vs democrats, patrician vs plebes, is not what I think I want to see. If Billary gets into office it's the same old same old.

I remember how refreshing it was when Kennedy was elected, not that I consider Obama to be on par, but it represents a similar thing, that being an outsider coming into office. It won't be a Jimmy Carter re-do (though I voted for him then and have no problems with that decision now) Obama's a different man.

When this thought came to me I actually got scared. What we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. If the Clinton machine gets into office it will be happening all over again. Now I'll still take that over any republican but, if I have a choice, I'll want the next President to be Obama.

I'm sorry Billary. I love you guys but if I may, Obama's my first choice.