Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Why I Switched From Hillary To Obama

I was watching a series of DVD's on ancient Rome and felt this chill go up my back.

Now, I had been with Hillary due to the experience issue. I thought that having Bill in her camp was a good thing and that the two of them would be a great power in the white house.

When Rome only had power over the Italian peninsula (early on) it's politics were polite. Everything was centered around precedence and tradition. When Rome started moving off the peninsula and into world domination, their politics changed. It was just another city-state like so many others after all and really didn't know how to deal with an empire of that size.

As the empire grew, the politics got dirtier and dirtier. People started murdering their political opponents and would do anything to obtain and retain power. It was one aspect to the decline.

When the U.S.A. found itself to be the only super power after the fall of the U.S.S.R. there was this feeling of our being the new Rome.

This is not a good thing.

When governor bush stole the Presidency from Al Gore, the new Rome showed itself to be re-emerging. This is not a good thing.

I consider myself to be a good Democrat (even if I do strongly support the second amendment (but that's another issue)) and had thought that Billary would be a good combination in the White House.

Being somewhat peeved over that stolen election I was rallying for a little pay-back. And then it hit me. This bush dynasty/Clinton dynasty, republicans vs democrats, patrician vs plebes, is not what I think I want to see. If Billary gets into office it's the same old same old.

I remember how refreshing it was when Kennedy was elected, not that I consider Obama to be on par, but it represents a similar thing, that being an outsider coming into office. It won't be a Jimmy Carter re-do (though I voted for him then and have no problems with that decision now) Obama's a different man.

When this thought came to me I actually got scared. What we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. If the Clinton machine gets into office it will be happening all over again. Now I'll still take that over any republican but, if I have a choice, I'll want the next President to be Obama.

I'm sorry Billary. I love you guys but if I may, Obama's my first choice.

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