Democracy is not a spectator sport.
Here's two quotes form one speech in the movie "An American President:
"We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you, Bob Rumson (or any of the republicans we see on TV these days) is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family and American values and character. And wave an old photo of the President's girlfriend and you scream about patriotism and you tell them, she's to blame for their lot in life, and you go on television and you call her a whore.
America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"."
Does anything sound familiar here? Aren't the republicans telling us that President Obama is to blame for our problems? Do you think John Boehner or any of his kind cares any for the citizens of this country or, for that matter, the country itself?
These people are doing everything they can to ruin everything they can just so they can tell us "See! Obama's not doing anything good!" These people are licking the boots of the richest 2% of Americans which by itself isn't wrong, so long as you like doing that sort of thing. What is wrong with it is that they are doing it to the detriment of the other 98% of Americans. They want tax breaks for the rich at the expense of the rest of us. They will take our money and give it to those who already have enough plenty compared with the rest of us. They will export all our jobs so the rich can get richer. They will pollute the whole country so the rich can get richer. They will destroy this country including 98% of it's citizens.
You know, some people, and in this case it's today's republicans, just don't like it when you don't let them do you dirty.
There has been more than one time in my life when people have lied to me and I have caught them and pointed it out and they knew I had just caught them with their pants down and Oh Boy did they get upset at that. I mean that really sends some people into a rage. People just don't like it when you catch them being dirty.
When Bush Jr. came into office the country had the biggest budget surplus in history. When that little smirk left office we had the biggest deficit in history. He sold this country to the corporations and gave us the worst depression since 1929. Today's republicans want to continue the same policies. Give money to the richest of us and take all they can from the other 98% of us.
When we finally had enough of bush jr's rape of the country and voted in a democrat, and from their point of view what's worse than that is we voted in a black man, the republicans went bat shit crazy. They are throwing the biggest shit fit ever. "Give us our country back!" What, of course they mean by that is we don't want no ni**er in the white house.
Today's republicans are the worst Americans of us all. They want to take everything from you and have you vote for them to do it.
Today, voting Democratic is patriotism at its finest.
Screw the republicans before they can screw you! Vote Democratic!